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Haiti Ministry at

Peace Lutheran Church

Since 2012, Peace Lutheran Church has been generous in supporting our Florida-Bahamas Synod mission partners and their work in Haiti.


Dr. Ken Vermillion, a recently retired dentist and member of Peace, became the dentist and task force member on the Haiti medical mission team of the Florida-Bahamas Synod in 2012. His first trip to Haiti was in February that year, and Peace Lutheran was called to a special offering that provided much-needed medical supplies for the trip.


In 2013, Dr. Ken led an Immersion/Needs Assessment Team from the Synod to work with the Lutheran Church of Haiti. One of the churches they visited was Faith Lutheran Church in Fonds des Negres, which was in dire need of a generator and ceiling fans. Once again, the generosity of Peace Lutheran Church provided for these needs. Additionally, the congregation created a fund to support Leah Fuller, a young nurse and missionary with Mission of Hope International in Haiti. 


In 2016, Peace Lutheran undertook its largest Haiti mission venture. Brian Adams, a contractor and member of Peace, led and organized "Raise the Roof in Haiti," a mission to replace the roof and generator room of Faith Lutheran Church in Fonds des Negres. Peace Lutheran raised over $20,000 to meet these needs. In 2017, Brian, his wife Lori, and Dr. Ken participated in the construction along with members of Faith and Peace churches. When a hurricane swept over Haiti, Faith Lutheran became a safe shelter from the storm. Praise be to God!


Help Peace Lutheran continue to support our mission partners in Haiti


Peace Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America serving
Fort Myers and Sanibel Island, Florida

(239) 437-2599

15840 McGregor Blvd
Fort Myers, FL 33908




Monday – Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM
Closed Fridays


PLC is a 501c3 nonprofit, registered in the US, EIN registration number 65-0941158

© 2024-2025 by Peace Lutheran Church. 

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